Your O.P makes an important point. Honestly amazing isn't it. Another observation is the hypocrisy that elders spouted from the platform whilst not realizing they were " excusing" themselves. For example :-
I used to be absolutely bowled over how the Elders could lecture from the platform about education ect, and not realize they lived in the nicest houses with mortgages paid off, whilst many in the congregation were really living hand to mouth.
With the issue of personal grooming, Elders would regularly rumble on about how designer stubble, or beards were worn by " untrustworthy" people, yet these very elders wore a mustache or goatie beard. and for the life of me I couldnt see a difference.
Now as for modesty of dress, my heart was in my mouth as I listernd to the many mistakes the flock were making in this regard, sisters with skirts above the knee, and brothers with designer suits. The Irony was these Super Pious Elders and there wife's dated clothes from the eighties was not modesty of dress, just out of date fashion.
So in conclusion I think being a "non -paid" employee of the Watchtower, does require a lot of making excuses for oneself, particularly if one attempts to be individual or have fun- but as an ex " non-paid" employee of the Watchtower I have decided to jolly well dress as I like, and I will be dashed if I am not going to have some fun as well, with out having to make excuses or justify myself to anybody.
The Rebel